Twenty Twenty Twenty Four Hours To Goooooo
The day before the night and it hasn't sunk in at all yet. Pinch me, slap me I still won't believe you.
I feel like a hell of a lot of hard work is paid off fittingly with Sending A Drunk Text Whilst Sober. it was a weird few months getting the manuscript together (deciding what to leave in, what running order to use etc) but one main thing I found going over some very early work was being able to cringe.
And that's not a bad thing at all. I've been able to see how my writing has changed over four years, words and phrases that I'd completely re-written or completely started over. Your allowed to be your own harshest critic.
But here we are I suppose, the eve of the culmination. I can't wait for tomorrow and I can't wait for Tuesday in Wakefield, I can't wait to see you all!