Oh Lincoln
I don't even know where to start this.
Thank you.
Thank you so, so much to my Plastic Brain Press family for all their love and support in bringing my debut collection to life and to everyone that attended the Lincoln Launch of Sending A Drunk Text Whilst Sober. Thank you for everyone that bought a copy on Friday and thank you to Caz for the surprise SADTWS badges (which I'll be giving away with the collection whilst I have them.
I know I said this on the night but I'll say it again now. Lincoln is going through an explosion of creativity (with the likes of Plastic Brain Press, Birdcage and the unstoppable powerhouse that is Gemma Baker) and it's humbling to be playing a part in it all. The open Mic alone at Crash Course In Brain Surgery shows there's a pool of creative juices stewing nicely in the city.
I can't lie, I was initially nervous about launching a poetry collection on Friday The 13th but you know what, fuck it, it's punk as fuck when you look at it.
We raised a drink to the future of the press and the future of the book before we danced the night away in Suger Cubes.

Now we turn to Tuesday.
Wakefield, I sincerely hope you're ready for the night. I know that myself, Gen, Rob and Steve are! (Don't forget to check the Upcoming Appearances page for further details)
I can't wait to see you all there!