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The Close Of A Decade, The Turn Of The Page

It's been a couple of quiet months around here. Or at least it appears that why doesn't it?

As I said in my previous blog, the Summer wasn't the kindest but I feel like I've come out of the other side stronger and ready to face a fresh decade with the same fire and energy I had leading up to Stained debuting.

Speaking of Stained, the first 2020 dates are soon to be announced and I can't wait for Johnny to come back to life on stage again. I'm still open to bringing the show to weird and wonderful places, to the nooks and crannies of this isle. If you think you know those places, feel free to drop me a message!

Over the last couple of months, I've found myself writing around one specific topic and I can already picture how this is going to manifest itself. There's nothing set, but I really feel this will be out next year. Baby, Be My Poltergeist was the first step in this new space, and the second step Must Be The Season can be found in the Christmas Ghost Story Special of Plastic Brain Press Presents!

I'm also excited to be starting work with the Change Project across schools in Batley in the Spring. It's an honour to have been asked by the project to be the first poet involved in the near 10 year story of the project. To sum up what this entails, I'll be helping teach specific STEM science topics through poetry workshops for Years 3 & 4. There'll be regular updates across here and my socials, so keep an eye out.

To round off I would like to extend a massive thank you to everyone that has continued to support me through reading Sending A Drunk Text Whilst Sober, watching Stained, booking Stained, watching/reading/listening to the new work, coming to see the shows and for being amazing Human Beings. Oh yeah, thank you to My Chemical Romance for returning to us!!!! (MCRmy for life!)

I know this year seemed to end on a down note, but the Solstice has now passed and the light is returning. We can face the 20's with fresh eyes and a rested spirits, we carry on!

Have a safe and loving time, and a blessed New Year. I'll see you on the other side.


Wakefield, UK

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